Pre-2013 Panels, Commissions, and Reports
November 2012: Congressional Research Service: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer
March 2012: U.S. Council on Foreign Relations: U.S. Education Reform and National Security
January 2012: National Science Board: Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
October 20, 2011: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce: STEM Webinar
September 7, 2011: Microsoft Releases National Survey Findings on How to Inspire the Next Generation of Doctors, Scientists, Software Developers and Engineers
July 2008: Tapping America ’s Potential: Gaining Momentum, Losing Ground
June, 2008: High School Level STEM Initiatives in the States
April 2, 2008: Rowing Together Panel Briefing on Science Generation, A National Imperative, An American Museum of Natural History Summit
March 2008: The National Mathematics Advisory Panel, Foundations for Success
January 22, 2008: Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, America COMPETES Act: Programs, Funding, and Selected Issues
2007: National Academy of Sciences: Is America Falling Off the Flat Earth?
2007: State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education
October 30, 2007: The Urban Institute, Urban Institute Report Assess Science and Engineering in America: Houston, Do We REALLY Have a Problem Here?
October 30, 2007: National Science Board Commission on 21st Century Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
June 20-21, 2007: Preparing STEM Teachers: The Key to Global Competitiveness
May 2007: Academic Competitiveness Council (U.S. Department of Education)
Apr. 23, 2007: CRS Report for Congress, Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education: Status and Issues
February 2007: Research America , Americans Support Bridging the Sciences
January 2007: NRC Report: Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in K-8
2006-2007: National Governors Association: Innovation America
December 2006-January 2007: The National Science Teachers Association’s Gerry F. Wheeler, Educational Leadership, Strategies for Science Education Reform
2006: Reality Check, A Public Agenda Initiative to Build Momentum for Improving American Schools
Dec. 6, 2006: The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning, California ’s Teaching Force 2006: Key Issues and Trends
December 6, 2006: The American Council on Education: Poll Reveals Gap Between Public and Policy-Makers on U.S. Competitiveness and Math and Science Education
October 2006: What Works Best in Science & Mathematics Education, A Report on the National Science Foundation’s Urban Systemic Program
October 2006: What the Data Tell Us About Shortages of Mathematics and Science Teachers
June 2006-October 2006: Council of Chief State School Officers Mathematics and Science Education Task Force Report and Recommendations
May, 2006: National Assessment of Educational Progress In Science: 2005 “Nation’s Report Card”
February 2006: Are We Losing Our Edge? By Michael D. Lemonick
February 2006: National Science Board, America ‘s Pressing Challenge — Building a Stronger Foundation
2005: A Commitment to America ’s Future: Responding to the Crisis in Mathematics and Science Education
2005: State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education, The Council of Chief State School Officers
October 12, 2005: National Academy of Sciences: Rising Above the Gathering Storm
October 5, 2004: No Time to Waste: The Vital Role of College and university Leaders in Improving Science and Mathematics Education, United States Department of Education
December 2004: 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
December 2004: Council on Competitiveness, National Innovation Initiative (NII), Innovate America Report, December 2004.
September 2003: Is There Really a Teacher Shortage? By Richard M. Ingersoll
August 2003: National Science Board, The Science and Engineering Workforce: Realizing America ’s Potential
January 8, 2002: No Child Left Behind, Public Law 107-110, Section 9101(23)
December 2001: Report of the 2000 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education from Horizon Research, Inc.
2000: A report to the Nation from The Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century
1996: National Research Council Report on National Science Education Standards
September 1996: The National Commission Report on Teaching & America’s Future
November 2012: Congressional Research Service: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer
March 2012: U.S. Council on Foreign Relations: U.S. Education Reform and National Security
January 2012: National Science Board: Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
October 20, 2011: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce: STEM Webinar
September 7, 2011: Microsoft Releases National Survey Findings on How to Inspire the Next Generation of Doctors, Scientists, Software Developers and Engineers
July 2008: Tapping America ’s Potential: Gaining Momentum, Losing Ground
June, 2008: High School Level STEM Initiatives in the States
April 2, 2008: Rowing Together Panel Briefing on Science Generation, A National Imperative, An American Museum of Natural History Summit
March 2008: The National Mathematics Advisory Panel, Foundations for Success
January 22, 2008: Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, America COMPETES Act: Programs, Funding, and Selected Issues