Call to Action for Science Education

In July the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued the report Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. In the report – funded by the Carnegie Corporation – leading scientists, educators and other key stakeholders identify effective science education practices, call on federal agencies and state and local governments to make science education a core national priority, and outline clear steps policymakers can take to create a coherent K-16 science and STEM education for all students. In this session, members of the committee and contributors to the study will share their perspectives on why and how we need to improve K-12 science and STEM education and speak to the core actions and recommendations for Congress and federal policymakers.

Panelists: Heidi Schweingruber, Director, Board on Science Education, The National Academies; Jim Short, Program Director for Leadership and Teaching to Advance Learning, Carnegie Corporation; Nancy Hopkins-Evans, Senior Director of State Partnerships, Instruction Partners, PA; Pam Buffington, Director of Rural STEM Initiatives, Education Development Center; and James Brown, Executive Director, STEM Education Coalition (moderator)

View the webinar below.


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