Coalition Executive Director Testifies at House Science Committee

Two education organizations have released early analyses of state education plans under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The reports focus on how states are utilizing new authorities under ESSA to prioritize STEM education in their plans.

The brief titled Leveraging ESSA to Promote Science and STEM Education in States from Achieve “provides a landscape analysis of all states’ current assessment requirements and graduation requirements in science to help set the national policy context for science.” The report from Education First is entitled Making the Most of ESSA: Opportunities to Advance STEM Education and “recommends concrete practices to help ensure that four of the most common science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) policies in state Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans best support student success.”

Highlights from the reports:

  • 17 states included or are strongly considering including performance on state science assessment in their accountability systems.

  • 17 states included or are strongly considering including career and technical education (CTE) indicators in their accountability systems.

  • 19 states included or are strongly considering including Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate indicators in their accountability systems.


STEM in ESSA Plans: Early Analyses


Coalition Proudly Supports STEM GI Bill Benefits for Veterans