Write to Congress: Support STEM Education as a National Priority


Congress is now considering legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, otherwise know as No Child Left Behind. A bill is expected to move forward in the next two weeks in both the House and Senate education committees. Our Coalition has been meeting with House and Senate members here in Washington over the past several weeks to push for including provisions in this important bill that would establish STEM education as a national priority.   We need your help getting this message heard!

We invite you to join in this effort by sending as many emails as possible to your elected representatives in Congress expressing your support for STEM education as a national priority.

We have set up a page on our website to help you do this, so all you need to do is click on this link and you can get started:

Send an Email to Your Members of Congress Supporting STEM Education here.

See the Coalition’s Recommendations for ESEA Reauthorization here.

Thank you for your help!


Coalition Statement on FY16 Budget Proposal


Coalition Issues Priorities for ESEA, Reacts to Alexander Proposal