Coronavirus Response Publications and Recommendations from Education and Community Stakeholders

The STEM Education Coalition is collecting and re-posting all policy recommendations from members of the education community to federal and state policymakers on dealing with the current virus outbreak.  If you organization would like to add something to this list, please contact James Brown at  Special thanks to the State Priorities Project for helping us get this started.

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·         Alabama Arise recommended seven policy changes to protect Alabamians.State Priorities Partnership Publications in Response to COVID-19:

·         Arizona Center for Economic Policy highlighted how lawmakers should pass a state budget that helps Arizonans in tough times instead of more tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

·         Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families launched a COVID-19 response blog series with a call to tighten rainy day fund rules, strengthen the state’s unemployment insurance system, and remove administrative barriers to participation in economic security programs like SNAP.

·         California Budget & Policy Center called on lawmakers to make the state’s Earned Income tax Credit (CalEITC) and Young Child Tax Credit inclusive of all tax filers with low earnings from work.

·         DC Fiscal Policy Institute called on local leaders to dip into DC’s reserves to provide stability and boost the DC economy.

·         Florida Policy Institute described the hurdles Floridians with moderate incomes face in complying with the CDC guidelines.

·         Georgia Budget & Policy Institute urged state leaders to remove barriers to SNAP to shield families from food insecurity.

·         Hawai’I Budget & Policy Center issued a four-part agenda that includes a range of policy responses, from strengthening the safety net to investing in infrastructure.

·         Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy, through their Close the Gap Idaho coalition, shared how Medicaid expansion has been pivotal to the state’s COVID-19 response.

·         Iowa Policy Project suggested lawmakers strengthen work supports like Medicaid and food assistance, and protect workers by enacting paid sick leave and shoring up the state’s unemployment insurance system.

·         Kentucky Center for Economic Policy drew attention to state policy choices like paid sick leave and funding for local health departments that can ready Kentuckians for this crisis.

·         Maryland Center on Economic Policy outlined steps for how policymakers can mitigate health impacts and reduce economic toll.

·         Maine Center for Economic Policy highlighted how Mainers needs paid sick leave.

·         Michigan League for Public Policy described challenges and offered solutions to reduce the impact on workers and families with lower incomes and on the state as a whole.

·         Minnesota Budget Project suggested strong stimulus measures, including adequate federal aid to states, to help minimize the looming recession’s damage to families.

·         Montana Budget & Policy Center called for federal and state action on paid sick leave, and reforms to the state’s unemployment insurance program.

·         North Carolina Budget and Tax Center underscored how cuts to public health infrastructure in recent years have undermined the state’s readiness for the public health challenges it faces.

·         New Jersey Policy Perspective highlighted the importance of its earned sick policy for New Jerseyans and called on state policymakers to expand it.

·         New Mexico Voices for Children called on state lawmakers to improve its health care system, enact paid sick leave, create a wage supplement program for early childhood providers, eliminate co-pays for parents with kids in child care, and fix the state’s upside-down tax code.

·         The Fiscal Policy Institute (New York) issued a policy brief that calls for a number of health, safety net, workforce, and fiscal policy solutions to give the state a fighting chance during the coming recession.

·         Policy Matters Ohio recommended paid sick days, increased funding for public health, and unemployment compensation to protect Ohioans.

·         Oregon Center for Public Policy called for unemployment insurance to protect the economic well-being of working families, especially those living paycheck-to-paycheck.

·         Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center shared an overview of policies the state can adopt to  provide immediate relief to those with low and moderate incomes, address state budget impacts, and fix some of the underlying inequities responsible for both the unequal impact of the spread of COVID-19 and broader community injustice.

·         The Center for Public Policy Priorities in Texas noted how the crisis calls for stronger public policies that improve equity and access to health care, food security, and financial security.

·         Washington State Budget and Policy Center underscored the importance of supporting people’s economic security during this public health crisis.

·         West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy advocated for paid sick leave as good health care policy, and joined a diverse group of allies in noting how the crisis has exposed large holes in the state safety net.


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