Coalition Hosts Capitol Hill Briefing on Workforce Reskilling in STEM Fields

On Wednesday, May 29, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a Capitol Hill briefing to discuss a range of policy areas related to bringing more people into the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce with “near” skills, meaning those who would be able to gain employment or improve their employability through short-term educational opportunities, on-the-job training, stackable credentials, 2-year degrees, and other non-traditional pathways.

A distinguished group of panelists headlined the briefing to talk about specific approaches to the issue and how their organizations are approaching solutions. Karen Horting, Executive Director and CEO, Society of Women Engineers, highlighted SWE’s STEM Reentry Task Force as an effort to increase the pipeline of female STEM sector talent with women who are returning from career breaks. Dr. Terri Taylor Chambers, Director of Learning and Career Development, American Chemical Society, explained ACS’ multidimensional approach of career exploration and professional development for chemists looking for workforce opportunities through their ACS College to Career program and ChemIDP program. The Honorable Jared Solomon, Maryland House of Delegates, referenced the EARN Maryland Program and the More Jobs for Marylanders Incentive Program  as strategies to connect industry and government to expand workforce development opportunities for Maryland citizens. And Nicole Isaac, Senior Director of North America Policy, LinkedIn, displayed LinkedIn’s Economic Graph and underscored LinkedIn’s ability to provide industry, education, and other stakeholders dynamic data trends that can enhance the relationship between job-seekers with industry.

Many thanks to our briefing sponsors:


Coalition Hosts Congressional Briefing on Healthy Learning Environments for STEM Students


More Than 50 Organizations Urge Increased STEM Funding