Minnesota Education Group Applaud Sen. Franken’s Efforts to Champion STEM Education
On behalf of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, thank you for your leadership in the Senate with Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education issues.
Coalition Urges Senate Judiciary Members to Support STEM Education Amendment
On behalf of the STEM Education Coalition, we urge you to support the bipartisan Hatch #9 Amendment, which will help prepare current and future U.S. students for the best, high-paying jobs of the 21st Century in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. We applaud Senators Coons and Klobuchar for co-sponsoring this proposal.
Coalition Urges Senate Offices to Sign Merkley-Franken Dear Colleague Letter
Read the full letter.
Coalition Supports Sen. Merkley’s STEM College and Career Ready Budget Amendment
Click to read the full letter.
2012 Annual Report for the STEM Education Coalition
This is the 2012 Annual Report for the STEM Education Coalition’s activities and accomplishments for the past year.
STEM Ed Update: Campaign Education Plaforms, New STEM Reports, and More
Members of Congress are on the campaign trail as the final weeks of the election season wind down, plus two STEM related reports of note, and more, all below.
STEM Ed Update: Sequester, New STEM Legislation, Upcoming Events
As we near the fall Presidential election and what is sure to be a very busy and unpredictable “lame duck” session of Congress that will immediately follow, we pass along a series of updates on issues that will impact the STEM education community.
Math and Science Partnership Funding Restored!
This afternoon the Senate Appropriations Committee restored $51 million in funding for the Department of Education’s Math and Science Partnership, which had been earlier been cut from the program by the Labor, HHS, Education Subcommittee. The program would continue at the current funding level of $150 million under the bill approved today.
Coalition Supports Math and Science Partnerships Program
The Coalition sent messages to the Senate Appropriations Committee in support of the Math and Science Partnership Program at the Department of Education.
STEM Ed Update: Sign-on Letter on Federal Budget, Upcoming Events, NEW STEM Reports
A number of great events and key reports on STEM listed below, but first please review the action item letter from the coalition to House and Senate appropriations leaders.
Coalition Issues Core Policy Principles for 2012
Each year, the Coalition revises and reissues its Core Policy Principles, which are used to guide the advocacy activities and goals of the Coalition throughout the year.
Coalition Testifies to House Approps on NSF’s Education Programs
Today, the Coalition was invited to testify before Chairman Frank Wolf’s Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science on the role of the National Science Foundation in improving STEM education.
Quotes on STEM Education from the 2/28 House Markup of ESEA Legislation
Click to see the quotes and the full archived webcast.
The White House Invites You to Join on a Budget Call to Discuss STEM Education
On Thursday, February 16th at 6:30 p.m. EST, please join John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Sally Ericsson from the Office of Management and Budget, for a conference call to discuss the science, technology, innovation, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education components of the President’s FY 2013 Budget.
Twitter STEM Advocacy Toolkit
The STEM Education Coalition is advocating aggressively for a strong STEM focus in the House version of the ESEA reauthorization bill, which could see action in the House Committee on Education and the Workforce as early as next week.
STEM Ed Update: MSP Appropriations, OSTP STEM Inventory, NGA Reports and More
Some very important STEM related items to note today as we wrap up 2011 and look ahead to 2012. For additional updates, make sure to check us out on Twitter @StemEdCoalition.
Take the STEM Ed Coalition’s State Survey
The STEM Education Coalition is gathering information on state developments in STEM education. Please take a few moments and tell us what you know about what’s going on in STEM education in your state.
Support the Math and Science Partnership Program
The Math and Science Partnership program, funded out of Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, is the only dedicated STEM education program at the Department of Education.
Celebrate Computer Science Education Week
Computer Science Education Week 2011 is a Call to Action to raise awareness about computer science education and computing careers. We want to give you some ideas of what you can do to support CSEdWeek!