Coalition Leads Effort to Support STEM Funding Under ESSA

The STEM Education Coalition signed onto two targeted letters to Congressional appropriators in support of federal funding for Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) , part of the Every Student Succeeds Act. The letters were sent to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House and Senate Appropriations committees. The Senate letter, sent to Chairman Roy Blunt and Ranking Member Patty Murray, urged the committee to increase the funding for Part A of Title IV from $400 million in FY2017 to $500 million in FY2018, an increase of $50 million in the initial committee request. The House letter, sent to Chairman Tom Cole and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro, thanked the committee for their request of $500 million for Title IV.

SSAEG funds expand access to critical STEM opportunities both inside and outside the classroom by providing federal resources for activities like STEM competitions, hands-on and field-based learning, and new, high-quality STEM Courses, including computer science, in high-need schools. The Coalition joined 13 other national STEM organizations in signing the letter. For a a list of the other signatories and the full-text of the letters, please click the links below.

Press Contact: Lindsey Gardner;; 202-470-2393


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