Coalition Statement on President Trump’s STEM Memo for Secretary DeVos

On September 25, President Donald Trump released a Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Education. The memo recognizes the importance of STEM skills in the workforce and emphasizes the lack of nationwide access to high-quality STEM learning. Further, the memo directs the Department of Education (ED) to devote at least $200 million per year in grant funds towards high-quality STEM education. Secretary Betsy DeVos is also directed to explore administrative options for promoting computer science at ED. The STEM Education Coalition released the following statement on the President’s memo:

“We appreciate the White House’s action to elevate science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at the Department of Education.  While we look forward to more details on how this will work, we applaud the Trump Administration’s recognition of the connections between STEM skills and the best American jobs in the global economy.   Although we differ with the President on funding levels for education programs at the Department, we certainly agree about the need to prioritize federal investments in STEM education – both in and outside the classroom.  Our future depends on success in STEM.”

Press Contact: Lindsey Gardner;; 202-470-2393


Coalition Leads Effort to Support STEM Funding Under ESSA


Coalition Featured on Lab on Loud Podcast