Coalition Releases 2013 Annual Report

STEM Education Coalition Releases 2013 Annual Report

January 7, 2014, Washington, DC-  The STEM Education Coalition has released its 2013 Annual Report.  The report details the activities and accomplishments of the 500+ member alliance of education, professional, and business organizations over the past year.  The group’s highlighted accomplishments include working with the Obama Administration to improve its proposed reorganization of federal STEM programs, maintaining science testing requirements in the House ESEA rewrite, and pushing for the inclusion of a major STEM funding provision in the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.  Read the full report here. 

The STEM Education Coalition is an alliance of more than 500 business, education, and professional organizations united in the common goal of elevating STEM education as a national priority.  It is based in Washington, DC. 


James Brown,, (202) 400-2192


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