Obama Announces New Initiatives Under Educate to Innovate; January meeting date; National Lab Day

Greetings STEM Education Coalition Members:

Happy New Year! To start, please mark your calendar for our January meeting, scheduled for Thursday, January 28 at 10:30 at the American Chemical Society, 1155 15th St. NW WDC. We hope you can join us in person, (call in information will be sent as we get closer to the meeting.)

A great deal of activity on the STEM front:

Educate to Innovate: Last week during a special event to honor the winners of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, President Obama announced several new partnerships totaling $250 million under the Educate to Innovate campaign, see the clip below.

National Lab Day: During his remarks last week the President also called on federal scientists to become a part of National Lab Day. As you know the STEM Ed Coalition has been very active in recruiting volunteers for this exciting initative.

Read more about NLD below and we urge all of you to visit the website at www.nationallabday.org and sign up as a teacher, a scientist or a volunteer.

Finally, please find a job opening (Associate Director for Government Relations) with the  American Educational Research Association (AERA), and a call for proposals from the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity.


James and Jodi

James Brown

Co-Chair, STEM Education Coalition

Manager, Policy and Government Affairs

American Chemical Society

Office of Legislative and Government Affairs

(202) 872-6229 (office)

(202) 872-6206 (fax)




Jodi Peterson

Co-Chair, STEM Education Coalition

Assistant Executive Director, Legislative and Public Affairs

National Science Teachers Association

1840 Wilson Blvd.

Arlington, VA  22201

(703) 312-9214 (office)

(703) 841-0250 (fax)




President Obama Announces New Partnerships Under Educate to Innovate Campaign

NSTA and PBS Initiatives Acknowledged at White House Event

Last week at a special event to honor the winners of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching held at the White House, President Obama announced several more public-private partnerships totaling over $250 million as part of his Educate to Innovate campaign to improve science and math instruction.

The public-private partnerships announced were Intel’s Science and Math Teachers Initiative; expansion of the National Math and Science Initiative’s UTeach Program; a commitment by more than 75 public university presidents to train 10,000 math and science teachers annually by 2015; NSTA’s Science Matters public awareness and engagement campaign and the PBS Teachers® Innovation Challenge; and the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships in Math and Science.

At the event the President also called on the 200,000 scientists and engineers working for the federal government to engage in National Lab Day (www.nationallabday.org)

Read the Associated Press article on the President’s announcement http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/01/06/politics/main6064026.shtml

Read remarks by the President on the “Educate to Innovate” Campaign and Science Teaching and Mentoring Awards <link to http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-educate-innovate-campaign-and-science-teaching-and-mentoring-award or http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/education/educate-innovate

To learn more about the PBS Teachers Innovation Challenge, visit http://www.pbs.org/teachers/innovators/. To learn more about Science Matters, visit http://www.nsta.org/sciencematters/?lid=tnavhp.

What is National Lab Day?

National Lab Day (NLD), scheduled for May 2010, is an unprecedented effort to bring more authentic, hands-on, discovery-based lab experiences to students. It is more than just a day.

Ø      It’s a nationwide movement to support science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in our schools.

Ø      It’s teachers working with community volunteers and communities rallying around teachers

Ø      It’s scientists and other STEM-based professionals donating their time and expertise to our schools

Ø      It’s all of us working together to give our kids well-equipped labs and the access to professional scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who can inspire them.

Join Us. Visit www.nationallabday.org


K-12 STEM Education Survey; January 28 meeting; Hill event on Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood