October STEM Ed Coalition Announcements

Dear STEM Education Coalition Colleagues-

September has been a very busy month and we wanted to update you on a number of announcements, events, etc.

Attached to this message are:

  1. The NAS Board on Science Education is holding a series of “Stakeholder Meetings” to discuss new developments in science education standards.  Materials attached.

  2. Information on a new database of STEM programs compiled by the Coalition for Science After School.   All of the details are in the attached email.

  3. Applications are now being accepted for the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship, which is administered by the Triangle Coalition.  Applications details are attached and feel free to forward to any interested colleagues.

  4. An announcement for an October 5th Congressional briefing hosted by MentorNet on STEM-related E-mentoring issues.

We will be sending along details for a face-to-face Coalition meeting in the second half of October in the next week or two.    Always feel free to send us information and announcements you would like to share.  The Coalition’s membership has now grown to more than 1,000 individuals and organizations.

-Jodi and James

Jodi Peterson

Co-Chair, STEM Education Coalition

Assistant Executive Director, Legislative and Public Affairs

National Science Teachers Association

1840 Wilson Blvd.

Arlington, VA  22201

(703) 312-9214 (office)

(703) 841-0250 (fax)




James Brown

Co-Chair, STEM Education Coalition

Manager, Policy and Government Affairs

American Chemical Society

Office of Legislative and Government Affairs

(202) 872-6229 (office)

(202) 872-6206 (fax)





Sign on Letter Thanking Holt and Obey for MSP Funding; NSB Expert Panel August 24-25;NAE Sept. 8 release of Engineering in K-12 Education


STEM Ed Coalition Update: Oct 15th Briefing, NGA Hiring, OSTP Message