Meeting Reminder; Sign on to Support Re-Energyse Education and Training Program; ETS report on National Education Standards

Greetings STEM Education Coalition Members.  

Just a reminder that our meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 20 at 10:30 a.m. at the American Chemical Society offices, 1155 16th ST NW Washington, DC. If you can not join us in person for the meeting please join us by calling 1-888-206-2266; the Conference Code is 1022283.

Listed below you will find information from the American Association of Universities (AAU) sent to higher education leaders nationwide about the Dept. of Energy RE-ENERGYSE Education and Training Program. The sign on letter and a one page fact sheet on this bill is also attached. If your organization is interested in signing on to this letter please contact Stephanie Waller (; if you have questions about the bill or the letter, contact Tobin Smith(; phone: 202-408-7500). Also below, please find an invitation to attend the upcoming release of the ETS Report on National Education Standards on Thursday, July 23, 2009
2:00 – 3:30 p.m at the National Press Club. RSVP information is below.   Cheers,   James and Jodi

To:             Council on Federal Relations

From:         AAU Staff

Date:         July 14, 2009

Subject:     Campuses Urged to Endorse Letter on DOE RE-ENERGYSE Education and Training Program and Ask Members of Congress to Fully Fund the Program

AAU is working with several organizations to circulate a letter that calls on Senators to support funding for the Department of Energy’s proposed new clean energy education program, “REgaining our ENERGY Science and Engineering Edge (RE-ENERGYSE).

Members of the CFR are urged to have their institutions join in this effort.  No signatures are required as only institutional/organizational names will be listed.  To endorse the letter, contact Stephanie Waller ( by close of business Friday, July 17.

Among the groups participating in this effort are the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Council of Graduate Schools.

CFR members also are encouraged to contact their Senators and Representatives to express support for the RE-ENERGYSE program prior to floor consideration of the FY10 Energy and Water Appropriations bill in each chamber.

A copy of the letter for endorsement and a fact sheet about RE-ENERGYSE are attached.


As part of the Administration’s plan to move the nation toward a clean-energy economy, the Department of Energy has proposed to create the RE-ENERGYSE program to provide funding for clean-energy scholarships, fellowships, and undergraduate educational experiences at college and universities; clean-energy technician training at community colleges; and clean-energy activities and curricula at the K-12 level.

This new initiative would be funded at $115 million in FY10—$80 million for college and university activities, and $35 million for community college and K-12 activities.  However, the House Appropriations Committee has approved just $7 million for the program and the Senate Appropriations Committee has provided no funding.  Because the House is likely to vote on the bill this week, the focus of this letter is the Senate.

Questions about this request should be directed to Tobin Smith of the AAU staff at

*************************************************   You’re invited to the release of the ETS Report on National Education Standards

ETS Listening. Learning. Leading. <>

You’re invited to the release of the ETS Report National Education Standards: Getting Beneath the Surface.

When:    Thursday, July 23, 2009
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

Where:   National Press Club
First Amendment Lounge
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20045

Register <>  for this event.

Join us as ETS Policy Information Center Senior Associate Paul Barton, CCSSO Executive Director Gene Wilhoit, Bethany Little, Chief Education Counsel to U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and ETS Policy Evaluation & Research Center Senior Vice President Michael Nettles, discuss the report National Education Standards: Getting Beneath the Surface.

This Policy Information Perspective report explores the history, facts, choices, risks and possibilities that are relevant to making a decision about establishing national standards in a nation that prizes local control of schools. The purpose of this report is to inform, rather than oppose or advocate a particular course of action. This report offers a number of approaches that may be considered for increasing commonality in what is taught in the nation’s schools. It also presents examples currently being used across the nation that could provide a basis for new efforts.

About the Presenters

Paul Barton
Paul Barton is a Senior Associate for ETS’s Policy Information Center (PIC). His areas of expertise include education policy and testing, adult education, labor market policy, the school to work transition, welfare reform and labor statistics. Barton is also an independent education consultant and writer.

Gene Wilhoit
Gene Wilhoit is Executive Director of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). CCSSO, along with several other organizations, has initiated the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Wilhoit has spent his entire professional career serving education at the local, state and national levels.

Bethany Little
Bethany Little is Chief Education Counsel to U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP). She works on legislation governing early childhood programs, elementary and secondary education, higher education and workforce training.

Michael T. Nettles
Michael Nettles is the Senior Vice President of ETS’s Policy Evaluation & Research Center. He oversees ETS’s public policy research and information programs, and is responsible for advancing the application of ETS research to address critical education challenges. He is also the holder of ETS’s Edmund W. Gordon Chair for Policy Evaluation and Research.

Register <>  for this event. Please note that space is limited.

For questions, please contact Kelly Denson at 1-202-659-0616.

James Brown

Co-Chair, STEM Education Coalition

Manager, Policy and Government Affairs

American Chemical Society

Office of Legislative and Government Affairs

(202) 872-6229 (office)

(202) 872-6206 (fax)

Jodi Peterson

Co-Chair, STEM Education Coalition

Assistant Executive Director, Legislative and Public Affairs

National Science Teachers Association

1840 Wilson Blvd.

Arlington, VA  22201

(703) 312-9214 (office)

(703) 841-0250 (fax)


Draft Framework for New Science Education Standards Available for Review; Next Meeting Date and Call in information


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