On “Science Day in Congress”, House Passes Three Bi-Partisan STEM Bills Affecting Veterans, Women, and Early Learners

Yesterday, on what House Science, Space, and Technology (SST) Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) declared “Science Day in Congress”, the House passed three bi-partisan pieces of STEM legislation. The package of STEM bills had been approved by the committee in the last month. H.R. 4375, the STEM Research and Education Effectiveness and Transparency Act passed yesterday while H.R. 4323, the Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act and H.R. 4254, the Women in Aerospace Education Act were voted on but won’t officially pass till today. The Coalition was active in the mark-up process of these bills in committee, offering feedback and the final language reflected that input, especially as it relates to utilizing a broad application of the term STEM education, rather than focusing in certain specific fields with different student populations.


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