Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

STEM Highlights of FY2016 Omnibus Budget Deal

As the year comes to end, Congress is considering the final loose ends on 2016 federal funding. Included in the over 2000 page appropriations bill are several funding streams for STEM education programs and initiatives.

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President Signs ESSA Bill
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

President Signs ESSA Bill

As President Obama said, “We need more bills like this!” The STEM Education Coalition, along with several of its members, was invited to attend the presidential signing of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

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Informal STEM Education 101: Public-Private Partnerships & Measures of Success
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Informal STEM Education 101: Public-Private Partnerships & Measures of Success

The STEM Education Coalition Policy Forum joined the National Science Teachers Association, American Chemical Society, Afterschool Alliance, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Education Development Center, and the Association for Computing Machinery to host the another round of the Policy Forum’s continued education briefing series on informal education.

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STEM Education Coalition Praises ESEA Conference Agreement, Progress
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

STEM Education Coalition Praises ESEA Conference Agreement, Progress

Today, congressional education leaders completed a two-day conference process to resolve differences between House and Senate passed legislation to rewrite the 13 year-old No Child Left Behind Act. With a vote of 39 to 1, the bipartisan group of lawmakers approved a comprehensive agreement to revise the nation’s major K-12 education law, which addresses STEM education issues in several important ways.

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Coalition Supports Modernizing Aviation Education Regulations
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Coalition Supports Modernizing Aviation Education Regulations

The STEM Education Coalition joined others in the aerospace and aerospace education world through a joint letter supporting a request for additional time to develop a detailed response to substantial new federal education rules regarding the curricula for aviation technicians.

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Coalition Submits Key Principles on Perkins Reauthorization
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Coalition Submits Key Principles on Perkins Reauthorization

In response to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions beginning to review and prepare legislation to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, the STEM Education Coalition submitted a letter to Senator Michael Enzi and Senator Bob Casey regarding several important issues.

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Policymaker Interview Series: Rep. Lamar Smith, Chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Policymaker Interview Series: Rep. Lamar Smith, Chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

This October, Congress passed The STEM Education Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX21) and Committee Member Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT05). We would like to thank Chairman Smith for sitting down with the Coalition to discuss the legislation.

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Coalition Praises Bipartisan Support by 34 House Members for STEM in ESEA
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Coalition Praises Bipartisan Support by 34 House Members for STEM in ESEA

The STEM Education Coalition issued a statement on a bipartisan letter coauthored by U.S. Representatives Richard Hanna (R-NY) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) and signed by 34 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, sent to House and Senate leaders supporting a Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provision that would provide dedicated funding to every state to boost STEM education activities.

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Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

STEM Ed Coalition Praises STEM Focus in ECCA/ESEA Bill

As the Senate begins floor consideration of the Every Child Achieves Act (ECCA) this week, the STEM Education Coalition recently praised the bill’s focus on the STEM subjects in a letter to HELP Chairman Lamar Alexander and Ranking Member Patty Murray.

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