STEM Education Coalition to Join Landmark White House Gathering of Nationwide STEM Leaders
James Brown, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition, was recently invited to attend the first-of-its-kind State-Federal Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education Summit hosted by The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on June 25-26, 2018, in Washington, D.C.
Coalition, ATEC, and Spartan College Meet with Federal Leaders on Aviation Workforce Issues
On June 13, representatives from the STEM Education Coalition, Aviation Technician Education Council (ATEC), and Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology met with policy staff from the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). ATEC is a longstanding member of the Coalition’s leadership council and represents aviation employers, vendors, and educational institutions with maintenance technician programs.
Coalition Keynote’s Minnesota Youth Conference
At the invitation of Ignite Minnesota, the state afterschool network, STEM Education Coalition Executive Director James Brown was the lead-off speaker at the Minnesota Youth Policy Forum. The Forum was hosted on June 6 at the Wilder Foundation in St. Paul, MN, just down the street from the state capitol.
Coalition Leads 100+ Organizations in STEM Funding Request
The STEM Education Coalition rallied 100+ education, professional, and business organizations to sign on to a letter to congressional appropriators.
Policy Forum Briefs Congressional Staff on Next-Gen STEM Jobs
The STEM Education Caucus, along with special guests the STEM Education Coalition, National Association of Manufacturers, and American Council on Education held a briefing to discuss the ways in which colleges and universities are working with industry partners to prepare students for current and future STEM jobs.
Coalition Praises STEM focus of Better Deal Agenda
The STEM Education Coalition’s Executive Director, James Brown, issued a statement today praising the STEM focus of the Better Deal agenda, released today by House Democrats.
Coalition Supports House Bill to Realign NSF Education Grants
The STEM Education Coalition has voiced support for H.R. 5509, the Innovations in Mentoring, Training, and Apprenticeships Act. Read the full statement from James Brown, Executive Director of the Coalition.
Coalition Supports Education Priorities in Omnibus
James Brown, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition released a statement upon the release of the FY2018 Omnibus Appropriations Bill.
Leadership Council Welcomes Expertise of the College Board
The STEM Education Coalition is excited to announce the College Board has joined our Leadership Council!
Coalition Proudly Welcomes SHPE to Leadership Council
The STEM Education Coalition is pleased to announce that the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, or SHPE, has joined our Leadership Council!
STEM Education Coalition 2017 Annual Report
The STEM Education Coalition is excited to present our 2017 Annual Report! 2017 was an eventful, impactful year for the Coalition.
Building Blocks of STEM Act Passes House
The House of Representatives voted to unanimously pass H.R. 3397 Building Blocks of STEM Act. The bill, sponsored by Representative Jacky Rosen (NV-3), instructs the National Science Foundation, when awarding grants under the Discovery Research PreK-12 program, to consider age distribution in order to more equitably allocate funding for research studies with a focus on early childhood.
Coalition Director Speaks on Learning Pathways at Arkansas STEM Summit
Coalition Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition James Brown delivered a speech at the Second Arkansas STEM Summit about STEM learning pathways in line with the summit’s theme of “Spotlighting STEM.”
Joint Economic Committee Democrats Report: Expanding Opportunities through Middle-Skills Education
The U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a report titled Expanding Opportunities through Middle-Skills Education. The study explores “middle-skills” jobs, those that require more than a high school diploma and less than a bachelor’s degree.
On “Science Day in Congress”, House Passes Three Bi-Partisan STEM Bills Affecting Veterans, Women, and Early Learners
Yesterday, on what House Science, Space, and Technology (SST) Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) declared “Science Day in Congress”, the House passed three bi-partisan pieces of STEM legislation.
Tax Bill Dropping Grad Tax Provision
Good news! Multiple outlets are reporting that the tax bill will not include a controversial provision making graduate school tuition grants taxable income.
STEM Education Coalition Statement on Higher Education Act Reauthorization
This week, the House Education and Workforce Committee will mark up the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act, a comprehensive bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA). Read the statement from Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition James Brown.
National Science Foundation announces $115 million in undergraduate STEM funding for HBCUs and Hispanic-Serving Institutions
The National Science Foundation announced up to $115 million in funding to develop undergraduate STEM curriculum at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic-Serving Institutions through two grants.
ESSA is a Big Piece of STEM Equity Puzzle
The STEM Education Coalition, along with colleagues from Education First, published ESSA is a Big Piece of the STEM Equity Puzzle in Education Week.
Coalition Makes Recommendations on Dept. of Ed. Grantmaking
Earlier this week, the STEM Education Coalition responded to Secretary Betsy DeVos’s proposed priorities for the Department of Education.