STEM Education Coalition Featured in Asian Television Specials
An update on STEM policy was heard around the world this month, when television channels in Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan aired programs detailing the history of STEM education.
2019 EIR Grant Awardees Announced
“For too long, the one-size-fits-all approach to education has failed too many students,” said Secretary DeVos. “Through the EIR program, grantees have the opportunity to rethink education and approach student learning in new ways. I’m excited to see states, school districts and nonprofits proposing more creativity, innovation and personalization on behalf of students.”
ASTC Joins STEM Education Coalition Leadership Council
The STEM Education Coalition is delighted to welcome the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) as our newest member of the Coalition’s Leadership Council!
Coalition Hosts Congressional Briefing on Healthy Learning Environments for STEM Students
On Wednesday, July 31, the STEM Education Coalition co-sponsored a congressional briefing titled, “Aspects of a Well Rounded STEM Education: Mental Health and Learning Environments for Students and Educators,” exploring key steps in creating school environments prioritizing student engagement, learning, and mental well-being.
Coalition Hosts Capitol Hill Briefing on Workforce Reskilling in STEM Fields
On Wednesday, May 29, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a Capitol Hill briefing to discuss a range of policy areas related to bringing more people into the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce with “near” skills, meaning those who would be able to gain employment or improve their employability through short-term educational opportunities, on-the-job training, stackable credentials, 2-year degrees, and other non-traditional pathways.
More Than 50 Organizations Urge Increased STEM Funding
The STEM Education Coalition rallied 50+ education, professional, and business organizations to sign on to a letter to congressional appropriators. The letter thanks appropriators for the continued increase in ESSA Title IV, Part A funding in the 2019 enacted education appropriations bill and outlines key funding priorities for the FY2020 appropriations cycle.
Coalition, Policy Forum Celebrate 2018 Highlights
The STEM Education Coalition and the Policy Forum are excited to present our 2018 Annual Report! 2018 was an eventful, impactful year.
STEM Education Coalition Hosts Hill Briefing on STEM Policy Issues Facing New Congress
On Tuesday, March 19, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a Capitol Hill Briefing on major policy issues facing the 116th Congress.
Praise for House Action on School Infrastructure, urges Bipartisanship.
On Tuesday, February 26, the House Education and Labor Committee marked up and approved the Rebuild America’s Schools Act, which would authorize $70 billion in school infrastructure spending over the next 10 years.
Coalition Welcomes to Leadership Council
The STEM Education Coalition is pleased to welcome as our newest member of the Coalition’s Leadership Council!
White House Unveils 5-Year STEM Education Strategic Plan
This morning, the White House unveiled their highly-anticipated 5-year STEM Education strategic plan, Charting a Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education, detailing the federal government’s strategy for expanding and improving the nation’s capacity for STEM education and preparing citizens with the skills necessary for the STEM economy of the future.
Coalition Hosts Briefing on Engaging Middle and High School Students in Science & Engineering
On Wednesday, November 28, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education Coalition hosted STEM industry experts and STEM education policy experts for a briefing to discuss the findings and implications of a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “New Approaches to Engaging Middle and High School Students in Science and Engineering.”
Coalition Welcomes STEM Education Leaders from Ukraine
Yesterday, the Coalition was pleased to welcome STEM teachers and academics from Ukraine to discuss the Coalition’s work and the overall state of STEM education policy at the federal, state, and local levels of government.
Coalition and Afterschool Alliance Send Joint Letter to Vermont HHS Secretary on New Afterschool STEM Initiative
At the request of our state partner, Vermont Afterschool, the Coalition and the Afterschool Alliance sent a letter to Vermont HHS Secretary Al Gobeille praising the state’s recent decision devote $600,000 from the state’s tobacco settlement to support afterschool programs with a focus on STEM education.
Coalition Applauds STEM Focus in FY 2018 EIR Awards
Over the past week, the Department of Education rolled out their FY 2018 grant awards for the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program.
Director of Pennsylvania Afterschool Network Updates Coalition on Smart STEM Initiative
Earlier this week, the Coalition’s Policy Forum received an update from Laura Saccente, Director, Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network, on the status of the early implementation of the $30 million PAsmart STEM Initiative.
Security Industry Association Joins the Coalition’s Leadership Council
The STEM Education Coalition is pleased to welcome the Security Industry Association as our newest member of the Coalition’s Leadership Council!
Coalition Supports Increased Education Appropriations
Read the official statement from STEM Education Coalition Executive Director James Brown.
Coalition Statement on Senate CTE Reauthorization
Read the official statement from James Brown, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition, about the passage of S. 3217.
Senate CTE Bill Needs More STEM Focus
Read the official statement from James Brown, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition, about the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee moving legislation to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.