Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Sign on Letter to Holt and Obey Thanking Them for $5m Increase for MSPs

As you may have heard, the House did approve the FY2010 budget for the Department of Education late last month. Thanks to Rep Rush Holt an amendment to increase the Math and Science Partnership program funding by $5 million was included by Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Chairman Obey in the final bill, and did pass the House. Rep. Vernon Ehlers was also instrumental in this development.

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Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

STEM Ed Coalition Update: Oct 15th Briefing, NGA Hiring, OSTP Message

We wanted to send out a couple of additional information items and also to pass along an update on recent Presidential activities on STEM education from Tom Kalil, Deputy Director for Policy at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy – see email at bottom.

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