Policy Forum Briefs Congressional Staff on Next-Gen STEM Jobs
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Policy Forum Briefs Congressional Staff on Next-Gen STEM Jobs

The STEM Education Caucus, along with special guests the STEM Education Coalition, National Association of Manufacturers, and American Council on Education held a briefing to discuss the ways in which colleges and universities are working with industry partners to prepare students for current and future STEM jobs.

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Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Building Blocks of STEM Act Passes House

The House of Representatives voted to unanimously pass H.R. 3397 Building Blocks of STEM Act. The bill, sponsored by Representative Jacky Rosen (NV-3), instructs the National Science Foundation, when awarding grants under the Discovery Research PreK-12 program, to consider age distribution in order to more equitably allocate funding for research studies with a focus on early childhood.

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Tax Bill Dropping Grad Tax Provision
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Tax Bill Dropping Grad Tax Provision

Good news! Multiple outlets are reporting that the tax bill will not include a controversial provision making graduate school tuition grants taxable income.

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Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

STEM Education Coalition Statement on Higher Education Act Reauthorization

This week, the House Education and Workforce Committee will mark up the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act, a comprehensive bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA). Read the statement from Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition James Brown.

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Policy Forum Co-Hosts Briefing with Student Veterans
Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Policy Forum Co-Hosts Briefing with Student Veterans

Yesterday, the STEM Education Coalition Policy Forum co-hosted a briefing with Student Veterans of America. The Policy Forum was pleased to welcome the Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs Phil Roe.

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Caroline McKinney Caroline McKinney

Coalition Leads Effort to Support STEM Funding Under ESSA

The STEM Education Coalition signed onto two targeted letters to Congressional appropriators in support of federal funding for Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) , part of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

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